
Working with folders
Displaying the folder list
Adding a folder
Moving a folder
Moving or copying a message to a folder
Renaming a folder
Deleting a folder
Compacting a folder
Subscribing and unsubscribing from an IMAP folder
Emptying the Cache folder

Working with folders

Folders play a big role in helping you organize your mail messages. Microsoft Outlook Express automatically creates your Inbox, Sent Mail, Deleted Messages, Drafts, and Outbox folders, but you can create new folders. In addition, you can also create Inbox rules that automatically move incoming messages to specific folders. How you manage your folders depends largely on whether you have a POP or IMAP account with your Internet Service Provider.

If you have a POP account, you work with folders stored on your computer, sometimes called local folders. Any new folders you add will be local folders. Incoming messages appear in the Inbox folder created by Outlook Express, after which you can read or delete them, and move or copy them to and from other folders.

IMAP accounts use online or server folders. These folders and their contents are stored on your mail server, not your computer. Because they are stored on the server, you can gain access to them from any computer at any time. In addition, you can create local and server folders. Incoming messages are received to an Inbox folder located on your server. This Inbox is created by your IMAP server and is not the same as the Inbox folder created by Outlook Express for POP accounts. Your IMAP Inbox folder is located underneath the IMAP server in the folder list.

IMAP servers can store hundreds of both private and public folders. Private folders, as their name suggests, are folders whose contents can only be read by an individual or a selected group. The contents of public folders can be read by anyone who connects to the IMAP server. Because there can be hundreds of public folders on an IMAP server, you wouldn't want to display all of them, so you can subscribe to folders that interest you. Each folder has a subscription status: subscribed or unsubscribed. The Outlook Express folder list displays only those folders to which you have subscribed. You can use the right-hand pane to view all available folders so that you can update your subscriptions.

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To display the folder list

The folder list contains your subscribed newsgroups and IMAP folders, your Inbox, Sent Messages, Outbox, Deleted Messages, and Drafts folders and any local folders that you create.

By default, IMAP servers are also displayed in the folder list, but you can set up a POP server account to display in the folder list. When an account is displayed in the folder, you have online access. With online access, you can click a server in the folder list, and Microsoft Outlook Express will download only the message headers stored on the server. Downloading message headers is less time consuming and you can use the message header information to determine whether you want to download the complete message.

Related Topics
Using Outlook Express when you are not connected to the Internet
Setting up a POP mail server for online access
Working with folders (overview)

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To add a folder

  1. On the File menu, point to New, and then choose Folder.
  2. Type a name for the new folder.

Related Topics
Deleting a folder
Moving or copying a message to a folder
Renaming a folder
Working with folders (overview)

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To move a folder


Related Topics
Deleting a folder
Glossary (local folder)
Moving or copying a message to a folder
Renaming a folder
Working with folders (overview)

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To move or copy a message to a folder

Do one of the following:


Related Topics
Adding a folder
Glossary (local folder)
Saving a message as text
Working with folders (overview)

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To rename a folder

  1. Click the name of the folder you want to rename.
  2. Type a new name for the folder.
  3. Press the Return key.


Related Topics
Adding a folder
Deleting a folder
Glossary (Inbox folder)

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To delete a folder

  1. Click the folder you want to delete.
  2. On the Edit menu, choose Delete Folder.
Notes Related Topics
Adding a folder
Renaming a folder

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To compact a local folder

When you store messages on your computer, the messages are stored in a file (located in your user folder within the OE User(s) folder) that grows in size as you add, edit, and delete messages. Compacting a folder will delete any unneeded space and information in the database to make it smaller in size.

Related Topics
Compacting mail folders automatically
Glossary (local folder)

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To subscribe and unsubscribe from a folder on an IMAP Server

  1. Click the folder. To select multiple folders, use the Shift key to select a range of folders, or use the Command key to select specific folders.
  2. On the Tools menu, choose Subscribe or Unsubscribe.


Related Topics
Changing the display of newsgroup and IMAP folders
Glossary (subscribe)
Reading messages
Receiving messages
Working with folders (overview)

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To empty the Cache folder


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